Crowds at Gallery Night Pensacola

March 2020

Gallery Night Merchants: Current Services

UPDATED: 4/22/2020 There are so many wonderful Gallery Night merchants downtown who are dedicated to providing food and services to Pensacola residents during this difficult time. Here is the current list of Gallery Night Merchants with information on whether they are open, temporarily closed, and what changes in service they are observing at this time:…

March Gallery Night Pensacola Event Cancelled Due to Coronavirus Concerns

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contacts:Michelle Ortiz-Miguez / Sydney Robinson 850-444-9299 PENSACOLA, FL – (March 13, 2020) – In response to a directive from the City of Pensacola and Escambia County leadership, Gallery Night Pensacola will not be holding its monthly Gallery Night event in Downtown Pensacola on Friday, March 20. As an alternative solution, Gallery…