Jada Brown is a 17-year-old clothing artist known for her clothing line Yada Khoom.
Yada Khoom (@yadakhoom) first debuted when she was 14 years old, January 23,2021 on WEAR TV and it went viral. From the time the first piece was created June 2020 until now Yada Khoom has made nationwide new 3 time, traveled across country to participate in numerous of fashion shows and has put on 2 of her own major shows. Jada Brown with the help of her immediate family strive to make Yada Khoom a success.

A message from the artist:
“I am always thankful and appreciative to whoever supports and works with Yada Khoom on this journey. In my artwork I don’t mean to disrespect or insult anyone, so I take my time and think about what I am creating and even before it becomes public my team and I sit down and go over what might be said about this design. I stand by the meaning of the name which means a lot and is powerful when understood.
Yada Khoom is to know to be known and deeply respected and that’s what I strive for respect, as each one of us are different we all deserve respect.”