Gallery Night Artists displaying work on Palafox Street in Downtown Pensacola

Aidan Garcia

Aidan Garcia is a Pensacola native, and has been creating artwork their whole life. Over the last 10 years, Garcia has been honing their style as an acrylic painter, while also exploring other mediums and techniques along the way.

From the artist:

“As an artist, I find solace in the transformative power of creativity. Through my artwork, I strive to capture the essence of my internal realm and translate it into visual narratives that resonate with others. 

With a palette of vibrant colors, I seek to evoke a sense of energy and vitality in my pieces, inviting the audience to explore the depths of their own psyche. 

Ultimately, my goal as an artist is to create a space for contemplation and connection, where art becomes a catalyst for personal growth and collective understanding.”

To check out Garcia’s work, stop by the Featured Artist tent at the intersection of Palafox and Romana Street!

Instagram: @aidangonzalezgarcia